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How to increase sperm count at home

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How to increase sperm count at home

The sperm cell plays the most crucial and integral part of making a new life and giving birth to a baby. But there are other factors that govern the successful conception of a baby. One among that is the number of sperm cell available to meet with a female’s egg after intercourse and this, in turn, helps in bringing new life. So, the total number of sperm cell present in the seminal fluid after ejaculating is termed as sperm count. The quality of sperm cell is another factor matters the most and a vital part of male fertility. The sperm count and quality of the sperm are the two factors which are regarded as the most important part when it comes to male fertility.

often biological conditions like infertility in both male and female are not always completely curable. But there are some ways and means that can be followed to enhance your probabilities of successful conception. Fertility will typically be improved with a healthy diet, supplements, and alternative lifestyle methods.

This article will highlight simple and efficient ways to improve sperm count at home by modifying a number of factors like lifestyle, foods, nutrients, and male fertility supplements like Fertilaid for men, Sperm Count Boost, Sperm Motility Boost etc that are proven to show desired results to improve sperm count and overall fertility in male.

How to increase sperm count

According to the WHO (World Health Organisation), 15 million sperms per millilitre or 39 million is favourable for the successful formation of a baby in the female womb. Or anything between this range is good enough to get a girl pregnant and conceive a healthy baby. But if the sperm count in semen is below 10 million per millilitre, then it will result in deformity and abnormality and this is often referred to as men infertility. Currently, there are more than 27.5 million couples in India affected by infertility problems.

A low sperm count is very depressing as this condition can prohibit your partner from conceiving a baby. It will additionally cause a huge impact on life and psychological issues between couples. Be that as it may, however, there are some of the simplest ways to stop yourself from developing low sperm count before it’s too late. By following these steps you will be able to take preventive measures at home and make sure that your father a baby sooner.

As mentioned earlier, the sperm cell plays an integral half in making life and this brings plenty of meaning to life. However, here are some necessary facts that you have to be compelled to understand the sperm cell and also the importance of sperm count. There are a number of simple and easy remedies to increase sperm count which are listed below.

  • Regular physical exercise and ample sleep is claimed to enhance sperm count
  • Reduce smoking - Significantly high smoking has been correlated to the depletion of sperm count and production as well as the quality of sperm.
  • Also, men who are suffering from very low sperm count will have to take proper medication or fertility supplements.
  • Manage stress
  • Reduce the intake of harmful fat
  • Take ample vitamins, antioxidants and calcium
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Modified on 21 May, 2020

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