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How easily do condoms break

  • shycart

"I had a baby just because my condoms broke" we all have heard this either by a word of mouth or through the internet. Many people, today, are intimidated by this and doubting the condom's quality and keep questioning themselves "What if my condom breaks tonight?" Well, condoms are 98% effective if used impeccably. But some of you might get this question after reading this - "How come condoms break easily?"

Here are the reasons for condom breakage.

  • Not storing the condom in an intended place. Heat and direct sunlight can deteriorate the condom's quality. Condoms must always be stored in a cool and dry place in order to avoid condom breakage.
  • Keeping condoms in a very tight pocket and jeans for a long time can also cause condom breakage.
  • Using oil-based lubricants with condoms will cause condom breakage. Because oil-based lubricants will affect the latex which in turn leads to condom breakage while physical intercourse.
  • Using expired condoms can also make the condom to break.
  • Using inappropriate condom size will lead to condom breakage.
  • Condoms tend to break if there isn't sufficient lubrication. Because the lesser the lubrication higher will be the friction during vaginal intercourse. And the best solution to avoid this is to buy lubes to reduce friction.
  • One should always use new condoms every time he has sex. Because used condoms tend to break very easily.

In order to avoid condom breakages or failure, buy condoms online in India at shycart.com.


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Modified on 13 Jul, 2020

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