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Are condoms the only way to prevent pregnancy?

Are condoms the only way to prevent pregnancy?

No! Nope! Nay! Condoms are not the only way to prevent pregnancy but yes condom is the easiest, comfortable, practical and safest way to prevent pregnancy. When you order condoms online has a lot of advantages but before that, we will look into the other ways available to prevent pregnancy.


What are diaphragms?

They are shallow cups made of silicone which are inserted inside the vagina covering the cervix to prevent semen from contacting an egg. They are commonly used in combination with spermicidal jelly, which prevents sperm from moving and getting in contact with the egg.

  • Since every woman's body is of a different shape, diaphragms must be fitted to make sure they're the right size. Talk to your gynaecologist about getting fitting for a diaphragm.
  • Diaphragms are quite effective in preventing pregnancy, but they don't prevent the transmission of STDs.

Birth control pills. 

I am sure most of them will have an idea about it!

Birth control pills, better known as "the Pill," consist of synthetic oestrogen and progestin hormones that keep a woman's eggs from leaving her ovaries, so that pregnancy can't happen. When taken properly, they are extremely effective. Contraceptive pills are available on a prescription-only basis from your gynaecologist.

  • The Pill must be taken every day, at the same time each day, to work properly. Skipping a few days could decrease its efficiency.
  • The Pill causes some women to experience side effects. Different brands of pills have different levels of oestrogen and progestin, so your doctor may prescribe a different brand if one you are using currently causes negative side effects.

Other hormonal devices. 

Rarely people would have come across these hormonal pregnancy prevention techniques!

The same hormones that make birth control pills effective can be administered to the body by other means. If you don't like taking pills every day, consider these options:

  • Depo-Provera, or the birth control shot. This shot is administered in the arm once every three months. The shot is very effective at preventing pregnancy, but it has been reported that side effects are possible.

The birth control patch. The patch is usually placed on the arm, back or thigh. It distributes hormones through the skin and has to be replaced every few weeks. 

The birth control ring. The ring is inserted into the vagina once a month. It releases hormones to prevent pregnancy from occurring.

The birth control implant. A small rod is inserted in the arm, and it releases hormones to prevent pregnancy for up to three years. It must be inserted and removed by a health care provider.

Intrauterine Devices (IUDs). 

The IUD is a small metal device inserted in the uterus by a health care provider. One type of IUD works by releasing hormones, and another type is made of copper, which affects the mobility of sperm and stops them from Fertilizing the egg.[8]

  • IUDs are extremely effective and last up to 12 years, although they are very expensive.
  • If you're concerned about disrupting your menstrual cycle, consider the copper IUD, which doesn't interfere with your hormones or cause hormonal birth control-related side effects.


All this method takes is discipline and self- control, if you are not of that type skip it!

Abstaining from vaginal intercourse prevents pregnancy by preventing the man's semen from coming into contact with the woman's egg. Abstinence is one hundred percent effective in preventing pregnancy when it is used continuously.

  • Some people define abstinence as abstaining from all sexual contact, but in order to prevent pregnancy, only vaginal intercourse needs to be avoided.
  • Abstinence requires strong willpower, and some people might find it difficult to rely on this birth control method for long periods of time.
  • It's important to have another birth control method in place once abstinence is ended.

Fertility awareness.

Also called natural family planning, this method of birth control requires having sex only during times of the menstrual cycle when the woman is not fertile. During times when pregnancy would be possible, periodic abstinence is employed. For fertility awareness to be effective, the practitioner must understand and respect the perimeters of her fertility.

  • Fertility awareness often involves the calendar method, the mucus method, and the temperature method. Used together, these three methods are very effective at determining exactly when a woman is fertile.
  • The calendar method requires tracking the different phases of the menstrual cycle on a calendar, then noticing patterns over time and using the patterns to predict when ovulation will occur.

The mucus method involves checking vaginal mucus, which changes in color and consistency when a woman is fertile.

The temperature method involves checking the body's basal temperature every day and noticing when it goes up a few tenths of degree, which signals that ovulation has occurred.

  • The downside of fertility awareness is that it requires a lot of time and attention. If you forget to check mucus or temperature for a few days, you may miscalculate the days during which sex should be avoided.
  • The upside of fertility awareness is that it is completely natural, requiring almost no money, no outside hormones, and no uncomfortable devices. 

Surgical Methods

Female sterilization. Surgery is conducted to close off the fallopian tubes in a process called tubal ligation, preventing the possibility of pregnancy. This method is extremely effective at preventing pregnancy, but it is not to be taken lightly since it is difficult or impossible to reverse.

Vasectomy. Men may choose to undergo a process that blocks their vas deferential, through which sperm flow, preventing them from mixing with semen.[9]When the man ejaculates, his semen does not contain sperm, making it impossible for him to get a woman pregnant. Vasectomy may be reversed in some cases, but it should not be considered unless the intention is to become permanently sterilized.

Preventing Pregnancy After Sex

Use emergency contraception. Also called Plan B, emergency contraception consists of two pills containing levonorgestrel that is ingested as soon as possible after sexual intercourse. The sooner they are taken, the more effective they are at preventing pregnancy.

  • Emergency contraception is available at most pharmacies and from your healthcare provider.
  • Emergency contraception should not be a replacement for regular birth control; it's the last resort to be taken after unprotected sex.


Since using condoms is one of the easiest, safest and most affordable ways of preventing pregnancy, most people refer to buying best selling condoms online and using them during intercourse.

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Modified on 28 Oct, 2022

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